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Iced Coffee cream

Cool Tips for Making Iced Coffee Your Own

5 min

Your favourite iced Starbucks® coffee – your way

Sauces and syrups make personalising your iced coffee easy - and tasty. From the signature Starbucks® Caramel Lattice, to the subtle, smooth sweetness of vanilla syrup, there are so many ways to truly make it yours at home with Starbucks® this summer.

Get a little saucy this summer

Summer is coming, and iced coffee is about to make the comeback we’ve been waiting for. 

You know it and love it already – the iconic refreshment of an iced coffee. It flavours your summer every year, and now it’s time to personalise your favourite ice-cold Starbucks®, right in the comfort of your own home. 


We have a couple of tips and tricks to help you unlock new flavour experiences for our tasty, iced coffees, and we’ve pulled some of our favourites together for you to experience at home.




Some of the sauces and syrups we use can be made at home, with simple recipes that only require a couple of ingredients. If making caramel sauce on the stove doesn’t sound like something you’re into, you can easily find all the sauces and syrups your heart desires, whether it's online or at a market.

4 Syrups

The easiest place to start is with the three basics – honey, caramel sauce, or chocolate syrup. All three of these work beautifully on their own with any of our Starbucks® coffees, each one uplifting the flavour of the coffee with a rich sweetness. Hazelnut syrup is also a good flavour pairing. If you feel a little more adventurous, you can try other dessert-style flavours, like peppermint.

Syrups coffee

Start off by making sure the milk is frothy enough that it will support the lattice. If the froth is too thin, the syrup will sink through.

Syrups coffee

We’d recommend using a squeezy bottle, or the pouring tip used for a salad dressing bottle – something that will allow you to control the stream and direction of the sauce you’re pouring. A jug or spoon will make it harder. Trust us. We’ve tried. 


Once you start pouring, there’s no going back, so it’s time to commit. Keep the pouring tip close to the foam so that it doesn’t have a long way to fall – that makes it easier for it to stay on top of the froth. Move the tip into a gentle zig-zag pattern from one side to the other until you’ve covered the surface. Turn the cup 90º and repeat the zig-zag pattern. 


A little technique goes a long way

The trick to getting the full richness and flavour of the syrups or sauces you use, is by making sure they’re properly combined with all the other ingredients.  


Since this summer is all about that ice-cold coffee kick, it’s important to add the syrup at the right stage, or it won’t dissolve properly. We’d recommend mixing the syrup into the hot/warm coffee and stirring it, before cooling it down with ice or milk. 


You can also add the syrups into milk before you froth it - and then there’s the option of not adding the syrup to the coffee at all, and perhaps using it on top of the foam, by making a deliciously decorative lattice. 


Remember – you can always add more, so start off by using less. It's all about your personal taste, at the end of the day.


It really is that easy.

The trick to getting the full richness and flavour of the syrups or sauces you use, is by making sure they’re properly combined with all the other ingredients.  


Since this summer is all about that ice-cold coffee kick, it’s important to add the syrup at the right stage, or it won’t dissolve properly. We’d recommend mixing the syrup into the hot/warm coffee and stirring it, before cooling it down with ice or milk. 


You can also add the syrups into milk before you froth it - and then there’s the option of not adding the syrup to the coffee at all, and perhaps using it on top of the foam, by making a deliciously decorative lattice. 


Remember – you can always add more, so start off by using less. It's all about your personal taste, at the end of the day.

Syrups coffee

Lattice for beginners


Like we said earlier, a little bit of technique can make all the difference, and a caramel lattice sitting pretty on top of some dense froth adds a delicate sweetness - and it also looks really great as well. 

So here’s how you make one. 

It really is that easy. And with a little bit of practise, your summer coffees are going to look and taste like a barista could have made them. With us by your side, we’ll make this a Starbucks® summer, right at home.
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